A deceptively simple motive of three elements, each larger element twice the mass of the smaller one, so in a ratio of 1:2:4. A small element orbits a larger one, and together they orbit the largest one. Like a moon orbits a planet that orbits a sun.
The thinness of the material causes an elegant drooping in the bigger shapes, morphing the flat circle into a much more interesting, floating, bird-like form.
The material is a transparant acrylic with a microprism structure that reflects or refracts light rays, depending on viewing angle and light conditions. In the optical interactions between the overlapping discs we start to see shapes and forms that do not really exist.
By projecting light (daylight would do this too!) onto the discs the resulting play of light, shadow, reflection and prismatic refraction extends into the surrounding space, onto the floor and ceiling.

Bubbles (2020)
200 x 200 x 200 cm
200 x 200 x 200 cm
Photos and video by Freerk Wilbers